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Teaching and Learning Centers

Johns Hopkins is dedicated to excellence in teaching and learning both in the classroom and online. Online learning at JHU is largely supported and coordinated through divisional teaching and learning centers that provide expert advice and a variety of services to guide the development of online courses and programs.

Bloomberg School of Public Health

Center for Teaching & Learning | Sukon Kanchanaraksa | 410-223-1830

Carey Business School

Teaching & Learning@Carey | Charles Wachira | 410-234-9207

Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation | [email protected] | 410-516-7181

Advanced Academic Programs Instructional Resource Center | La Tonya Dyer | 410-516-8762

Peabody Institute

Learning Innovation | Joe Montcalmo | 667-208-6537

School of Advanced International Studies

SAIS Educational Design & Technology | Pratima Enfield | [email protected] | 202-663-5959

School of Education

Center for Faculty Development and Innovative Learning | Terra Gargano  | 443-927-0094

School of Medicine

Office for Online Education | Robert Kearns | 410-955-0050

School of Nursing

Office of Educational Quality and InnovationRita D’Aoust | 443-287-2768

Professional Programs | [email protected] | 410-502-3335

Whiting School of Engineering

Center for Learning Design and Technology | Paul Huckett | 410-516-2290

Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation | [email protected] | 410-516-7181

Faculty Forward Academy | [email protected]

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