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Digital Initiatives

Executive Vice Provost Stephen Gange oversees the coordination of university-wide initiatives in online education, working in close partnership with divisional leaders, faculty, and other stakeholders across Johns Hopkins to advance their online and digital education strategies and pursuits. Together with Provost’s Fellow Ira Gooding, their goal is to facilitate collaboration, learning, and innovation across schools and units. In addition, they provide guidance on university policy and operational issues related to online education and the use of digital technologies.

For more information, contact Provost’s Fellow Ira Gooding at [email protected].

Online Studies at Johns Hopkins

You don’t have to be on a Johns Hopkins campus to get the benefits of a Johns Hopkins education. Explore the university's many online courses and programs.

Provost's DELTA Teaching Forum

A day of presentations, demonstrations, and networking opportunities devoted to the exploration of teaching innovation including the work of DELTA grant recipients.

Teaching and Learning Centers

Johns Hopkins is dedicated to excellence in teaching and learning both in the classroom and online. Online learning at JHU is largely supported and coordinated through divisional teaching and learning centers that provide expert advice and a variety of services to guide the development of online courses and programs.

DELTA Grants

Digital Education & Learning Technology Acceleration (DELTA) grants help to unleash the potential of digital technology and encourage the Johns Hopkins community to think creatively about how to enhance our shared teaching and learning enterprise.

Coursera for Johns Hopkins University

Access courses from JHU Professors and earn certificates for free.

MOOCs at Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins University offers a large number of massive open online courses (MOOCs) through Coursera in an effort to extend the University's teaching enterprise to aspring students and lifelong learners.

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