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MOOCs: Video Lecture Gallery

“What is HTML?” from HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers – Yaakov Chaikin

In this video from HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers, part of the Ruby on Rails Web Development Specialization, Yaakov Chaikin introduces the basics of HTML programming.

“Intervention” from Psychological First Aid – George Everly

In this video from Psychological First Aid, George Everly offers Gina some advice about what to expect when she returns to examine the wreckage of her home.

“Community-Based Causal Mapping Workshop” from Systems Thinking in Public Health – Claudia Nau

In this video from Systems Thinking in Public Health, Claudia Nau walks learners through a simulated workshop to demonstrate best practices for working with stakeholders to uncover the dynamic forces and relationships that influence systems.

“Stages of Data Analysis” from Managing Data Analysis – Roger Peng

In this video from Managing Data Analysis, part of the Executive Data Science Specialization, Roger Peng walks learners through the stages of a well-executed analysis project.


For more information about MOOCs at Johns Hopkins, please contact Janet Schreck at [email protected].

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