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Valeria Culotta

Associate Vice Provost for Postdoctoral Affairs

Valeria Culotta, PhD is Associate Vice Provost for Postdoctoral Affairs and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Previously, as a Provost’s Fellow, Dr. Culotta advanced polices and priorities for postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) at Johns Hopkins. Working closely with Nancy Kass and Jon Links, she helped establish new leave policies for PDFs, created a new committee to look at postdoctoral affairs university-wide, worked with schools on implementation of key recommendations for postdocs from the Biomedical Workforce Committee, and expanded training and career development opportunities for our postdocs.

Dr. Culotta received her PhD in 1987 in Biological Chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.  She did her postdoctoral training in Molecular Biology at the National Cancer Institute and joined the faculty at BSPH in 1990 in Environmental Health Sciences and then in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Dr. Culotta is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in the Bloomberg School of Public Health and an internationally renowned scientist whose work focuses on the role of metal ions and oxygen radicals in biology and disease. She also has longstanding commitments to the training and professional development of postdoctoral fellows, and was asked by the Bloomberg School in 2016 to take on a newly developed role as Director of Postdoctoral Training.

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