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Non-Degree Non-Credit (NDNC) offerings expand the educational opportunities at Johns Hopkins University to both those already a part of our community and new members. These important programs provide a mechanism for addressing JHU’s mission to foster lifelong learning.

Johns Hopkins University has endorsed a microcredential framework that is described in the white paper below.

JHU Microcredentials Framework

Learn more about ongoing NDNC projects that the schools, divisions and Provost’s Office have been collaborating on for the past year by visiting our internal SharePoint site.

On the SharePoint site you will find information about the following:

  • Customer Relationship Manger (CRM): JHU is currently going through an RFP for a CRM. This will address the demonstrated need for increased technical infrastructure for NDNC offerings. Specifically, the CRM will streamline the registration experience for learning and create increased functionality for cross-divisional collaboration.
  • Microcredentials: With the rapidly changing landscape of credentialing, experts across all the schools developed a framework to guide their usage in the University.
  • Professional Service Contracts: Many of JHU’s schools seek partnerships with business entities outside of Hopkins that require signed legal agreements. Resources are available, and more are being created, to provide support to programs and schools as they build out these relationships.

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