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Reports produced or commissioned by the Office of the Provost:

  1.  Diversity

    1.  Faculty
    2.  Students
    3.  Staff
  2.  Climate

    1. 2019 JHU and AAU Campus Climate Survey (released 10/19) 
    2. 2018 Campus Climate and Sexual Violence Survey (released 3/19)
    3. 2015 It’s On Us Hopkins Sexual Violence and Climate Survey: Principal Findings (released 1/16)
  3. Future of Education

    1. Final Report of the Second Commission on Undergraduate Education (CUE2) (published 11/20)
    2. Final Report of the Committee on the Future of PhD Education (published 9/13)
    3. Framework for the Future (published 2/09)
    4. Final Report of the Commission on Undergraduate Education (CUE) (published 5/03)
  4. Special Projects

    1. Issue Summary: Standardized Testing and Admissions (published 8/24)
    2. Final Report of the Committee to Establish Principles on Naming (CEPN) (published 7/21)
    3. Final Report of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Tenure (FACT) (published 12/19)
    4. Vision 2020: Report of the University Committee on the Status of Women (published 9/06)
    5. Final Report of the War Zones Task Force (published 7/05)
    6. Final Report of the Homewood Arts Task Force (published 5/05)

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